Category Archives: Jewelry
What to do if you hate your engagement ring
As fall comes along, so does engagement season. Although getting engaged can be an exciting time, what happens if you hate your engagement ring? In the event of this unfortunate situation, here are some useful tips that will keep you and your significant other happy. Tactfully tell your fiancé – It is best to tell […]
What Works With Gold And What Doesn’t?
Make your outfit glow by adding gold jewelry to coordinated clothing color choices. Gold is a versatile warm color that works well with colors like: bold red, blush pink, fuchsia, dark blues, deep green, orange, and even basic black and white. The royal tones of purple and gold can go well together, but you should […]
Meaning of Christian Cross
The Christian cross, as the most widely associated symbol of Christianity worldwide, represents the instrument used in the crucifixion of Jesus. The crucifix itself is the actual three-dimensional representation of the body of Jesus Christ and functions as a reminder to Christians of God’s love through the sacrifice of his only son for all of […]
Amazing Ideas for Romantic Engagement Ring Closeups
It’s becoming more common for couples to include one or two shots of the beautiful antique engagement rings that have become so popular in the past few years. The timeless looking styles lend themselves to very picturesque and romantic shots. Here are a few ideas on how to frame these shots, in order to show […]
Clues that a Ring is Authentic Vintage Quality
When you’re searching for estate jewellery, you’ll quickly learn that there’s a lot of value in authentic pieces. The strict definition of an antique is that it must be at least 100 years old, and preferably in excellent condition. That isn’t always followed in the world of jewellery, unfortunately, so savvy buyers need to learn […]
What are Hallmarks in Jewellery Design?
You may have heard the term “hallmarks” when talking to a professional about antique engagement rings. These hallmarks are a very important part of distinguishing a ring from an imposter, but they are also valuable signs of a ring’s history and manufacturer. Hallmarks are like a clue, a source of information that tells the jeweler […]
Tips to Manage an Estate Sale and Keep the Things You Care for Most
Odds are strong that at some point in your life, you’ll need to answer the question of whether or not an estate sale is for you. It might be that a relative passed away in a nursing home, or you could be facing retirement and looking to downsize. Estate sales are all about disposing of […]
A Word of Caution about Engagement Rings
Read below to find out how rings can trigger dermatitis. Marriages are based off the principles of romantic intimacy and profound connections. One symbolic ritual, although not universal, is the engagement process. The typical fashion of man offering an engagement ring to his prospective wife has been around for centuries and has always been a […]
The Practical Advantages of Choosing Vintage Engagement Rings
Written by Cynthia Findlay Antiques. Vintage engagement rings are a popular choice for women who are looking for a unique and distinctive piece of jeweler. Women from all walks of life come to stores such as Cynthia Findlay Antiques in Toronto looking for antique rings with a touch of class and timeless beauty that […]
All About Art Deco Rings
Summary: The art deco era produced a large amount of fantastic jewellery that Written by: Cynthia Findlay Antiques The art deco era was all about abstraction, smooth lines, and symmetry. Materials were based on chrome, steel and platinum with influences coming from such masterpieces such as the Mayan ruins. The era also produced rings that […]
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